going-homeStanding between these two soldiers is my friend Laura. This image is a slide from her presentation on her experience in a war zone.

Laura is a x-ray technologist who spent  much of her career running CT scanners. After her retirement from the civilian hospital she went to work at the local military hospital. Because of her experience she ended up teaching  the Canadian military x-ray technologists CT  principles for their new scanner.

In 2009 Laura volunteered to go Kandahar Afghanistan as a civilian worker to relieve the military x-ray technologists for some much needed time off. Her spirit and dedication was impressive. She had her 64th birthday in Afghanistan, she said she was the oldest person on the base!

my-experianceWhen she got home everyone wanted to hear her adventures; she had amazing and heartbreaking stories, and lots of pictures. She asked me if I could help her put together a presentation, and I did. It was a honor to work on her important message.

It’s called “They’re Incredible” (which is also her message).  She uses that description whenever she talks about the military people from the numerous countries that she worked with. Every time Laura gives her presentation her stories make people laugh and cry.  Laura closes her presentation with a story about how everyone who goes home from a war zone doesn’t go home the same way…she gets her message across every time.
