Presenting Our Latest Turbo Encabulator!

Ahhhh technobabble…

Once I sat beside a new salesperson at a huge North America sales meeting held at one of the Disney hotels in Orlando.  One of our VPs was on stage talking about EBITA.  After a few minutes I realized my new colleague didn’t have clue what he was talking about. I whispered one word in her ear… profit.

She said why didn’t he just say so? Yes, I know EBITA is a more complex concept than just profit. But the room was full of salespeople not forensic accountants. Sometimes you just need to keep it simple, even avoid an acronym, so you can get your real point across.

How many times do we drift into some kind of technical, financial, sales or marketing technobabble? Remember the newbies may not have a clue what you are talking about. Be a great communicator, and great colleague, and make sure everyone gets the point.

The Turbo Encabulator is a thing. It’s a funny parody speech that was first seen in an article written back in 1944. Yes confusing each other with technobabble has been around a long time. The speech has been made into a number of videos. Just Google it 🙂 I like the original video the best.

Have you ever been stuck in a conversation full of technobabble? Were you nodding along but thinking…what in hell are you talking about?

Joe Pops
R2BB- Refuse to be Boring