When you want to improve your current presentation visuals, following 3 simple guidelines (all based on the number 3) can make a difference.
Some of the complaints about presentation visuals are that there are too many words to read on the slide and that the words are too hard to see. While I am not a fan of using many words on slides, you may not have the time to redesign your existing slides, to replace words with images. So, here are 3 simple guidelines to follow to improve your current slides.
3 is the limit
Limit yourself to 3 or fewer font sizes throughout your presentation. This guideline also applies to font types and colors: use no more than 3 different fonts and font colors in your presentation.
30 or greater
Use a font size of 30 points for the minimum size of text on a slide. If a presentation designer includes lots of text on a slide, they will often reduce the font size so everything fits; this can make parts of the slide virtually unreadable by the audience. Note: by using this guideline you may have to break the information up over several slides (see my previous post – Practical tips for a simple slide makeover).
3 seconds
Use the billboard rule (which I’ve mentioned before). Make sure the audience can read your slide in 3 seconds.
Using these 3 simple guidelines when you update an existing presentation (or design a new presentation) should make it easier for your audience to follow along.
Joe Pops
Refuse to be boring
Good Points here, Joe.
Better no text at all, but if it has to be, your advice is excellent.