Learning slide design while you drive! Part 2

As I said in part 1 of this series, you can learn a lot about slide design from roadside billboards and the mini-billboards you see in airports.  10 Rules for Billboard Design were outlined in an article by BPS Outdoor Media (www.bpsoutdoor.com).  Here are the next 3 rules, again with Refuse to be Boring (RTBB) editorial comments on how the rules apply to slide design. Billboard Rule #4 – Use contrasting colors like yellow and black or red and white. Do not use colors that are similar to each other like blue and purple or orange and red because it will be hard to see two different colors from a distance.… Read More

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Learning slide design while you drive! Part 1

Since I am not a professional designer, I am always trying to learn more about slide design, usually through reading books and blogs and talking to presenters.  However, you can learn a lot about slide design from roadside billboards and the mini-billboards you see in places like airports (I am in a lot of airports).  I ran across an article a while ago by BPS Outdoor Media (www.bpsoutdoor.com). It outlined their 10 rules of billboard design.  It was interesting so I wanted to share them, and relate the concepts to slide design.  Here are the first 3 of their rules (the other rules will be discussed in later blogs), with… Read More

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How many slides do you have?

Has anyone ever asked “How many slides do you have?” when inquiring about the length of your presentation?  I think this goes back to an old belief that presenters (supposedly) should average 1 slide per minute…it was assumed that by using this “rule” you could gauge the length of the presentation.  Of course there isn’t a “1 slide per minute” rule.  In fact there are no rules regarding the number of slides a presenter should have for a specific time, or how much time you should spend per slide.   The only rule presenters should follow is to finish on time – or even better, a little early! In The Non-Designer’s… Read More

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